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Mortality and morbidity data is often used in public health settings to help create programs to decrease the percentages of each.

Mortality and morbidity data is often used in public health settings to help create programs to decrease the percentages of each.

Develop: Public Health Proposal

Mortality and morbidity data is often used in public health settings to help create programs to decrease the percentages of each. Consider this as you read the lessons below.

Evaluation Title: Public Health Proposal

Navigate to the CDC website to read the lesson, Measures of Risk, Sections 2 and 3:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Section 2: Morbidity Frequency Measures (Links to an external site.) [Website].
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Section 3: Mortality Frequency Measures (Links to an external site.) [Website].
Identify and summarize 3 disparities found in your geographical area.
Based on the information provided, consider how mortality and morbidity data can be used in a public health setting to create programs aimed at decreasing the percentages.
Create a proposal to the state Department of Health focused on one program that you can create to address the disparities in your geographical area.
Utilize at least two outside resources to support your assignment submission.


Answer preview to mortality and morbidity data is often used in public health settings to help create programs to decrease the percentages of each.

Mortality and morbidity data is often used in public health settings to help create programs to decrease the percentages of each.

712 words

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