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Explain and educate patients about potential health problems, diseases, and treatments

Explain and educate patients about potential health problems, diseases, and treatments

According to the NRS 429V Lecture1 and the textbook, Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, the health model helps “predict and explain health behavior” (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014, p. 219). This model was developed because the low participation by the patients when it came to detecting and preventing diseases. This model is to explain and educate patients about potential health problems, diseases, and treatments. According to Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle (2014), “…the Health Belief Model provide guidelines for nurses to analyze factors that contribute to a person’s perceived state of health or risk of disease and to the individual’s probability of making an appropriate plan of action” (p. 219). For example, a patient refuses to go for cancer screening tests because he or he does not believe they have cancer. A nurse in this case can explain anyone can have cancer. The nurse can also explain the symptoms of different types of cancer and risks of not participating in screening tests. The nurse should also explain the benefits of screenings so the patient can see that the benefits outweigh the barriers. The nurse can ask about the family medical history and figure out if anyone of patient’s family had cancer. Using the patient’s information and the nurse’s knowledge the nurse can help the patient realize the potential of him or her getting cancer and things he or she can do to check his or her health status so early intervention can be done if the patient is diagnosed with cancer. Also the nurse can educate the patient on what he or she can change in his or her lifestyle choice to prevent or lessen the chance of getting cancer. Using the health belief model the nurse is able to educate the patient and understand patient’s situation and family history. With that the nurse is able to encourage the patient to make immediate and permanent behavior changes in his or her lifestyle choices.


Edelman, C. L., Kudzma, E. C., & Mandle, C. L. (2014). Health promotion throughout the lifespan (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ISBN-13: 9780323091411



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The author gives an accurate and well-elaborated definition of the Health Belief Model (HBM). I concur with the notion that HBM was intended to understand the low participation and failure to uphold preventive mechanisms and screening for early detection (Jones et al., 2015). As noted, a person’s belief………………….


219 words

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