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Discuss how has nursing evolved into a profession over the years (historical to current).

Discuss how has nursing evolved into a profession over the years (historical to current).

Professionalism Scholarly Writing Assignment

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Minnesota State University Moorhead

NURS 270: Health Promotion and the Role of the Professional Nurse

Alicia Swanson and Nancy Moore December 6, 2020?

Professionalism Scholarly Writing Assignment

Your introductory paragraph goes here. The introduction is a one paragraph overview of the paper. It should include: A strong, clear, thesis statement, clear, concise statements of the subject and purpose of the paper. Evolution of the Profession of Nursing

Discuss how has nursing evolved into a profession over the years (historical to current). Give examples and explain in two paragraphs. HINT: This was discussed in Chapter 1 in your Taylor textbook in The Course Point.

Values, Attitudes, Knowledge and Expectation in the Profession of Nursing Start with a paragraph to lead into this section and provide an overview of the below to be discussed. Nursing Values

Identify at least three nursing values that are significant to becoming a professional nurse. Why are these values significant? Care of Vulnerable Populations

How do nursing attitudes, values, and expectations impact the care of vulnerable populations? Explain and give at least one, well thought out example. Spiritual Beliefs

In general, what is the significance of considering spiritual beliefs and values when promoting health? Address for both the nurse and client. Overview of Professional Development Plan

Practice excellence, life-long learning, and professional engagement are essential to the nursing profession. Create a professional growth and development plan (PDP) that supports all three of these components practice excellence, life-long learning, and professional engagement. Use the provided Professional Development Plan Table Template to guide the development of all elements of your plan and include the plan as an appendix in your paper after the reference page. Please refer to appendix in the body of your paper. “Please reference the Appendix for my full Professional Development Plan…” You will provide a one paragraph overview/summary of each of the three components in the body of your paper (see headings below).Practice Excellence Plan Provide an overview/summary of your goal plan related to Practice Excellence in one paragraph

Life-long Learning Plan

Provide an overview/summary of your goal plan related to Life-long Learning in one paragraph Professional Engagement Plan Provide an overview/summary of your goal plan related to Professional Engagement in one paragraph Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Refer to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) website which outlines the essential competencies and their related knowledge, skills, and attitudes for professional nursing practice. Discuss how your plan integrates one QSEN competency and the associated nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to model professional nursing practice.


Wrap up your thoughts and conclude the paper, synthesizing the class materials, Show how it all fit together. Please see this reference for further support http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/conclusions/


Please refer to your APA Manual 7th ed. and APA 7th ed. Style Guides. Students must integrate at least three references into body of paper, cite these reference in their paper, and include full reference on the reference page here.


Professional Development Plan Table for Scholarly Paper Purpose: Practice excellence, life-long learning, and professional engagement are essential to the nursing profession. This purpose of this professional development plan (PDP) is to create a professional growth and development plan that supports all three of these components practice excellence, life-long learning, and professional engagement. Instructions: Complete the sections of the PDP template table below. You may use bullets and phrases in place of full sentences to focus on the key points. Your plan will be 2-3 pages in length. You will provide an overview of PDP in your paper and include this table as an appendix in your paper.

1.      Goal to promote practice excellence: Outcome Measure (SMART goal): Describe what you want to accomplish specific to your goal. Plan/Strategies: Describe the actions you will take to achieve your outcome measure Evaluation Plan: Discuss how you will evaluate your outcome measure. E.g. what evidence will you provide to show you met your goal and outcome measure.

2.      Goal to promote life-long learning: Outcome Measure (SMART goal): Describe what you want to accomplish specific to your goal. Plan/Strategies: Describe the actions you will take to achieve your outcome measure Evaluation Plan: Discuss how you will evaluate your outcome measure. E.g. what evidence will you provide to show you met your goal and outcome measure.

3.      Goal to promote professional engagement: Outcome Measure (SMART goal): Describe what you want to accomplish specific to your goal. Plan/Strategies: Describe the actions you will take to achieve your outcome measure Evaluation Plan: Discuss how you will evaluate your outcome measure. E.g. what evidence will you provide to show you met your goal and outcome measure.

Answer preview to discuss how has nursing evolved into a profession over the years (historical to current).

Discuss how has nursing evolved into a profession over the years (historical to current).


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