What are the major health problems in the community

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What are the major health problems in the community

The paper is on a specific community and their health needs. The specific community for my paper is Near West Side of Chicago. This is a link to the community that the paper needs to be about. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk037QQEyqpeqWKay_cqrTnxYwfYe7w%3A1587872954682&ei=ugSlXr2aKdSztQaW66DICg&q=near+west+side+chicago+community+&oq=near+west+side+chicago+community+&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgIIJjICCCYyAggmMgIIJjICCCY6BAgAEEc6BAgjECdQlDxY0kZgjk9oAHACeACAAVeIAdkBkgEBM5gBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwi936Xbl4XpAhXUWc0KHZY1CKkQ4dUDCAw&uact=5

The paper has requirements which I will post below. The paper needs to be 8 pages of writing. There are no quotes in this paper, it needs to be all research. Everything needs to be cited in APA format. Please no Plagiarizing! Please follow the requirements below for each section. Let me know if you have any questions.


1. What is the demographic background of the community (Near West Side)?

– Race and ethnicity

– Gender

– Age

(Compare it to over-all in the state of Illinois)

2. What is the socio-economic background of the community (Near West Side)?

– Household income

– Educational level attainment

– Employment/unemployment levels

– Home ownership

(Compare it to over-all in the state of Illinois)

3. What are the major health problems in the community (Near West Side)?

– What are the top 3 causes of death in the community?

– What are the top 3 health problems (morbidity) in the community?

(Compare it to over-all in the state of Illinois)

4. What are the assets in the community (Near West Side)?

– Public Health

– Social

– Physical

(Compare it to over-all in the state of Illinois)

5. What is lacking in the community (Near West Side)?

– Health/Public Health

– Social/Economic

(Compare it to over-all in the state of Illinois)

6. Community Trends in Near West Side

– Housing prices/trends

– School ratings

– Point of interest in the community

– Crime Statistics

(Compare it to over-all in the state of Illinois)

7. Organization serving the health/social issues of this community (Near West Side)

– Identify the organization, share its mission, history, and target population

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What are the major health problems in the community

154 words

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