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List the steps required to develop health policy that impacts the targeted population.

List the steps required to develop health policy that impacts the targeted population.

Complete the following for this assignment:

Select 1 health issue such as diabetes, cancer, aging, chronic diseases, or obesity, and describe how current health policy (federal or state) addresses this health issue.

List the steps required to develop health policy that impacts the targeted population.

Evaluate whether or not the health policy related to the issue selected has the potential to transform health care delivery in the United States.

If you believe the current policy is not effective, make recommendations to improve the health policy, and support your work using credible, cited sources.


Note:  Your post must include 2 quality references, 1 of which is from a peer-reviewed source and published within the last 5 years.

Answer preview to list the steps required to develop health policy that impacts the targeted population.

List the steps required to develop health policy that impacts the targeted population.


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