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Explain the methodologies used in preparing budgets for health care organizations.

Explain the methodologies used in preparing budgets for health care organizations.

HS440M6-6: Explain the methodologies used in preparing budgets for health care organizations.
PC-2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives.

In this assignment, you are the CFO of your health care organization and you have had regular team meetings regarding the financial impact of health care reform on your organization. However, recently you are having a problem with a promising employee. You will need to speak one-on-one with this troubled and frequently negative employee. They reject the new ideas of others; offer pessimistic suggestions on dealing with necessary changes; and frequently make comments such as “We tried that before,” It never works,” “This project is turning into a complete disaster,” or “There’s just no way we can meet a deadline like that.”

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Explain the methodologies used in preparing budgets for health care organizations.


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