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Demonstrate the translation and interpretation of health information for consumers and advocates.

Demonstrate the translation and interpretation of health information for consumers and advocates.

This discussion supports the following objective:

Demonstrate the translation and interpretation of health information for consumers and advocates.
For this assignment, you will be placing yourself in a consultant role. You are often contacted by medical practices asking for guidance in the ethics and legality of marketing their services. Examples of some requests you have received from medical practices, and their services are:

Plastic Surgery Practice

Dermal fillers and neurotoxin injections
Dermatology Practice

Importance of annual exams to detect possible skin cancer
Promotion of medical-grade skin care line
Considering these practice’s needs, and services to be marketed, as well as others in the health care industry, you will prepare a general guide titled “Best Practices for Marketing Health Services: Ethically and Legally.” Your document will provide generalized recommendations for ethical and legal compliance. Specific practice types and services are not necessary to include, as this should be a document that could apply to any practice you consult for.

Your document should be prepared using the following format:

One page of content (additional pages my be included, if desired)
Three best practices for ethical marketing of health services
Three best practices for legal compliance when marketing health services
Include additional content, as needed, to align your recommendations with marketing platforms: print, electronic, social media, tv, etc.
Formatting or templates may be used to make your document visually appealing. Any colors, fonts, and font sizes should be legible and professional.
APA requirements: Title and references pages, three sources, in-text citations as appropriate.
Noteworthy: This is a document for professional use. Citations should be limited to content that is directly related to legal or ethical sources. Opinion/editorial content is expected and should be original (your creation).
Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets the criteria.
Paper Format: APA

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Demonstrate the translation and interpretation of health information for consumers and advocates.


936 words

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