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HCS316 Culture Diversity and Health & Illness

HCS316 Culture Diversity and Health & Illness

You have been asked to organize a community health fair at a local public school. The health fair will provide information and education on the following topics related to health promotion:

  • Immunizations
  • Importance of healthy diet and exercise
  • Avoidance of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol
  • Responsible sexual behaviors (use of condoms, risk of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, and concerns related to early unintended pregnancies)
  • Injury and violence prevention (motor vehicle crashes, firearms, poisonings, suffocation, falls, fires, and drowning)

The volunteers who will be manning the stations are from the health care community (doctors, nurses, dieticians, and social workers). You want to ensure that the team members take into consideration the familial health traditions, personal beliefs and the values of the people who will be attending the health fair. In a three- to four-page paper (excluding title and reference pages), address the following points:

  • Identify potential areas where health care providers’ culture may influence the treatment approach/recommendations which may be in conflict with the health belief of a community member’s culture and practices. Describe the differences.
  • Describe the role, if any, social control will play in the development of the educational materials presented.
  • Recommend potential strategies that the health care team can use when faced with a cultural practice that conflicts with the medical model.
  • Recommend strategies to increase community participation and enhance the relationships/partnerships between the medical community and members of the culturally diverse community.





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All culture usually has different systems of health beliefs that explain the real course of illness, how the illness can be treated or even cured. Also, the systems explain who can be involved in the process. The level to which different patient recognize patient education having cultural importance for them may have an intense  effect on their response  to  information given as well as their willingness to use it.  You find that in Western…………


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