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Harpy eagle or bird of prey

Harpy eagle or bird of PREY


A term paper (8-10 pages maximum, typed double-spaced) is required of each student. It will be due by the next to the last week of the quarter (week of March 6). For a topic, any of three possibilities exist:
write about any avian topic (such as migration, reproduction, or the California Gnatcatcher) that particularly intrigues you. Research that topic and write it up in a succinct style. The topic may be as broad or narrow as you wish;
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This massive bird of prey is mainly found in the lowland forests of South and the Central America. The primary characteristics of the bird are having a physically powerful beak and sturdy toes. This feature along with their big-sized body makes the Eagles the most feared eagles in the world.  The Eagles have the capability of capturing a wide variety of prey……………..
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