Guttmacher Institute website
For this assignment, visit the Guttmacher Institute website (a research institution for human sexuality) at Select a topic and investigate information related to that topic (most of the topics contain articles, PowerPoint presentations, charts/graphs, and fact sheets). Compose 4 page word essay regarding your experiences on this website with the topic of your choice.
- Information found on the topic.
- Information already aware of on the topic prior to beginning the course.
- Any new or surprising information.
APA formatting
3 references
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Guttmacher Institute is a five-decade-old institute, founded in 1968 as a center for family planning program development. Alan F. Guttmacher, an eminent obstetrician-gynecologist, laid the foundation of the institution. Through all those years, the institution has been advancing in matters related to reproduction and sexual health and the rights related to the two. The institution has been able to achieve all this through research programs and public education. It educates the public about their health and sexual rights. The institution has one goal, which is to achieve the highest standard in sexual and…………..
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