Home » Downloads » Discuss and analyze why the public’s attitudes about guns, gun violence and gun control seem contradictory.

Discuss and analyze why the public’s attitudes about guns, gun violence and gun control seem contradictory.

Discuss and analyze why the public’s attitudes about guns, gun violence and gun control seem contradictory.

Select one of the following topics and write an 8-10 page paper, double spaced, in APA format (https://apastyle.apa.org/).

Cover and reference pages will not be counted in the page count. In addition to the course text, use a minimum of five outside sources.

Research Paper Question:

Discuss and analyze why the public’s attitudes about guns, gun violence, and gun control seem contradictory.

A couple of points regarding your final paper:

Papers need to be in proper essay format. This means introduction, body, and closing. I would encourage you to take advantage of on-campus and online resources

Final Paper Due: December 9th

an introduction,

main body of the essay,


and conclusion.

For this assignment use the course text and other sources such as books, REFEREED articles. Please cite all the sources of your information, and avoid plagiarism. You must use APA citation style. See how to cite hand out.

Book: Sense and Nonsense about Crime, Drugs, and Communities

By: Samuel walker


Answer preview to discuss and analyze why the public’s attitudes about guns, gun violence and gun control seem contradictory.

Discuss and analyze why the public’s attitudes about guns gun violence and gun control seem contradictory.


2558 words

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