Growth of racial and ethnic minority populations in American society
150 word response for each discussion question please.
> – How will the growth of racial and ethnic minority populations affect
> their place in American society? Will having a majority-minority society
> lessen discrimination? What will be the impact on the
> criminal justice system?
> – The struggle for equal rights for women has been similar in many ways
> to the struggle for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities–but
> it
> gained traction about 50 years later. As you
> imagine what life will be like 50 years from now, what additional gains
> in equal rights can you envision?
> – Are traditional views of morality
> an appropriate consideration for the courts? This is a question that
> drives
> much of the law presented in the chapter. How has this played out in
> relation
> to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) rights?
> – Is it ethical for human service workers to assist immigrants who they
> know are in the country without proper authorization? Should they ask
> about
> immigration status? What is their legal responsibility if they know that
> an
> immigrant is here illegally? Is that the same, or different, from their
> ethical responsibility?
> – How does the law treat searches of student property in school? Review