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Greenhouse agriculture is more sustainable in comparison to outdoor plantation

Greenhouse agriculture is more sustainable in comparison to outdoor plantation

Your thesis statement will present a claim (that you will prove) and will
> set up the path of your paper.
> Using the thesis statement as your guide, you will then create a brief
> outline that will help to keep you on track as you write.
> The claim in a comparison/contrast essay is actually based on the opinion
> you have about which of two selected items is superior to the other. You
> will prove the claim by discussing three points that you will evaluate
> about both items.
> For example, an effective thesis statement for a comparison/contrast essay
> would be the following:
>   Plastic bags are far superior to paper bags because they are
> water-resistant, malleable and versatile.
>  You can see more excellent thesis statement examples that include an Essay
> Map on pages 41-42 (examples 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10).
> Keep in mind that the comparison/contrast essay is a research paper, not a
> personal essay. Include your thoughts and ideas in the essay, but by
> writing only in the objective, academic third person. Do not use first
> person (*I*, *me*, *my*, *us*, *we*) or second person (any form of *you*).
> Our Class Discussion should have helped you to decide which two items you
> would like to compare/contrast, as well as the three evaluative points you
> will use to prove your claim. The Week 9 Individual Work assignment
> worksheet will walk you step-by-step through developing your *thesis
> statement *and* basic outline*.

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For a while now, food security has been a challenge, especially in the developing countries. The problems arising from the impacts of climate change have continued to alter the productivity of formerly arable land. Land use changes have been increasingly encroaching into this lands, hence decreasing the amounts available. It is with this in mind that there needs to be an improvement in the current means to address food shortages. Food security……………
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