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Differentiates between psychographic and demographic factors

Differentiates between psychographic and demographic factors

Create a graphic organizer that includes the following:(0.5 pages)

Defines psychographic

Differentiates between psychographic and demographic factors

Describes how personality, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles influence learning

Connects several teaching strategies to address these factors

Write a brief reflection of 300 words on what you learned about diversity in these learners. The reflection should be included with the graphic organizer.

Include your references following APA format.

at least two references





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According to Mazur (2011), psychographics refers to the study of attitudes, interests, values, and lifestyles. The psychographic studies of communities or individuals are very valuable in different fields such as marketing and social networking research.

Differentiates between psychographic and demographic factors…………………


521 words

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