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The failure of socialism

The failure of socialism

The failure of socialism

Watch and discuss – http://www.freetochoose.tv/program.php?id=ftc1990_…

2.Created equal

watch and discuss- http://www.freetochoose.tv/program.php?id=ftc1990_…

3. anatomy of a crisis

Watch and discuss – http://www.freetochoose.tv/program.php?id=ftc1980_…

Please note that this is the last assignment from the Milton Friedman “Free To Choose” series. The final assignment, found on the same website, deals with globalization.

4. Globalization at the crossroad

Watch and discuss – http://www.freetochoose.tv/program.php?id=globaliz…Note that this video is not part of the Free to Choose Series; however it is important for managers as the world continues to grow closer together via economic markets. 


………………………..Answer preview…………………..

The failure of Socialism belongs to a 1990 series called Free to Choose. Friedman answering to the failure of socialism problem says, ‘parental choice, parents choosing teachers, parents monitoring the schooling.’ He therefore argues against having the government run all the industries. Granting people the authority……………..


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