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Global Trade Deficit

Global Trade Deficit

After reading the topic, Prepare a 2 page written report on “Global Trade Deficit in Food Safety.” On the below 1-3 questions.
Today. U.S citizens trudging through a freezing Minnesota winter can indulge their cravings for summer-fresh raspberries.
Europeans who are thousands of mikes away from North America can put Mexican mangoes in their breakfast cereal. Japanese shoppers can buy radishes that were grown from seeds cultivated in Oregon. Globalization of the food industry, falling trade barriers, and the formation of regional trading blocs make it possible for people to choose from produce grown all over the world. Unfortunately, these forces have also made it more likely that consumers will contract illnesses from food-born pathogens.
In recent years, several outbreaks linked to the burgeoning global trade in produce have made headlines. One serious case occurred when 2,300 people were victims of a parasite called temala. Outbreaks of hepatitis A and Salmonella from tainted strawberries and alfalfa sprouts, respectively, have also sickened consumers. The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) killed hundreds and sickened hundreds more, mainly in China, Singapore, and Canada. Some scientists believe a fair also called Avian (bird) flu. Avaian flu is particularly virulent and can cross barriers between species. It is most likely transmitted through the handling of poetry and poor sanitation.
Although health officials say that there is no evidence that imports are inherently more dangerous, they do cite several reasons of concerns; For one thing, produce is often imported from less advanced countries where food hygiene and sanitation are lacking in important ways. Also, some microbes that cause no damage in their home country can be deadly when introduced to other countries. Finally, the longer the journey from far to table, the greater is the chance of contamination. Just consider the journey taken by the Salmonella-ridden alfalfa sprouts: The seeds for the sprouts were bought from Uganda and Pakistan, among other nations, shipped through the Netherlands, flown into New York, trucked to retailers all across the United States, and then purchased by consumers.
Incidences of food contamination show no sign of abating. Since the passage of NAFTA, cross-border trade in food among Canada, Mexico, and the United States has skyrocketed. Meanwhile, federal inspections of U. S. food-safety system, which was built 100 years ago for country contained within its own borders, Yet the U.S Congress continues to try to advance the cause of greater food safety when it comes to trade. Changes that have been considered include giving the FDA mandatory recall authority, increasing the frequency of food inspections, and requiring food safety plans for food makers.
Although it isn’t feasible for the United States to plan FDA inspectors in every county, options are available. The U.S. Congress could further tighten the ban on importing fruit and vegetable form countries that fail to meet expanded U.S. food safety standards. Better inspections could be performed of farming methods and government safety systems in other countries.
Countries that blocked the new inspections could be forbidden to sell fruit and vegetable in the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) also proposed new policies for food safety, such as introducing food irradiation and other technologies; The WHO believes that most critical intervention in 0reventing food borne diseases in promoting food manufacturing practices and educating retailers and consumers on appropriate food handling.

Thinking Globally:

1. How do you think countries with a high volume of exports to the United State, such as Mexico, would respond to stricter food-safety rules? Do you think such measures are a good way to stem the ride of food-retailed illnesses? Why or why not?
2. Sue Doneth of Marshall, Michigan, is a mother of one of the schoolchildren who was exposed to the hepatitis A virus after eating tainted frozen strawberry deserts. Speaking before Congress, she said, “We are forcing consumers to trade the health and safety of their families for free trade. That is not fair trade. NAFTA is not a trade Latinos should be built into an extension of NAFTA? Why or why not? What are the benefits and drawbacks to putting food-safety regulations into international trade pacts?
3. The lack of harmonized food-safety practices and standards is just one of the challenges faced by the food industry as it becomes more global. What other challenges face the food industry in an era of economic integration and opening markets?
APA formatting, at least two to three references.
Use appropriate headers to depict different sections of the paper.






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The introduction of food safety regulations by countries have gained importance as instruments of trade especially in industrialized countries that have developed strict restrictive limits on food safety standards to imports. This is usually aimed at protecting the consumers against harms caused by substandard processed food imports…………………..


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