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Evaluation of credible economists’ opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies

Evaluation of credible economists’ opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies

Write a 700- to 1,050-word evaluation of credible economists’ opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies. Complete the following in your evaluation:

Evaluate how US trade policy changes in the last five years affect global trade activities by multinational corporations.

Discuss credible economists’ opinions on the long-term effects of trade and tariff policies changes in the last five years.

Explain the effect of recent changes to trade and tariff policies have had on your employer, you, or someone you know.

Cite at least 2 academically credible sources.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Answer preview to evaluation of credible economists’ opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies

Evaluation of credible economists’ opinions on the benefits costs and results of current US trade and tariff policies


913 words

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