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What are some of your favorite illustrative examples of other-than-mainstream groups or individuals who have found their voices

What are some of your favorite illustrative examples of other-than-mainstream groups or individuals who have found their voices

Question description: 1. How has electronic media (the internet especially and self-produced DVD’s) reversed some of this dominant cultural hegemony generated by Hollywood movies by democratizing access to global audiences?

2. What are some of your favorite illustrative examples of other-than-mainstream groups or individuals who have found their voices and audiences on the internet?

3. A currently popular one is the person to person investment web-site to help eradicate global poverty – http://www.kiva.org/ . What is your opinion about efforts like this by NGO’s [Non-Government Organizations]? Do you think this one will make any difference?



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The rise in the use of electronic media especially the internet and the self-produced DVDs has been successful in creating a change in the some of the cultural hegemony which was created by the Hollywood movies. Prior to this, most of the Hollywood movies did not address some of the cultural issues that were facing the society………………………


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