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Gender And Sexuality

Gender And Sexuality


Watch any of the following video presentations on women in advertising, then write a reflection and analysis paper. I suggest enlarging the video so that the ads are not a distraction.

KILLING US SOFTLY 4 v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU3NzcwOTIw.html

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSTg_6N0G7w&list=PL80A36AC2B0F84807(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(partial with the subtitles). You can search online for the full version of this video (35 minutes or so), but it will not likely have the subtitles.

SEXY LIE (TED TALK) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMS4VJKekW8

Reflect on the video and answer the following questions. Upload your answers on this page.

What did you think about the points made in the video? Should action be taken change the portrayal of beauty   in America? In some European countries it is illegal to feature super skinny models or to advertise images that have been photoshopped. Should this happen here? How would this change affect a person’s view of themself? Would society be healthier?
How, how do you think your life would be different if you were born the opposite sex? Would your goals, values, success be the same? Think about your socialization and how it would have resulted in a different person. If you have opposite siblings, you would most likely be similar to them. Evaluate the positives and negatives living life of your counterpart.
I suggest reading “Self-Made Man” by Norah Vincent. Here is a fascinating interview with her about her research experience as a man:


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The video, ‘Killing US Softly 3’ reveals in great detail how advertising affects the society by way of thoughts and overall culture. From the advent of advertising, where adverts were run on measly shoestring budgets, to the current full-fledged multibillion industry, nothing has changed, especially on how “a woman’s beauty is portrayed.” From this perception, the image that has been created on ideal feminine beauty is that of a skinny lady with a fair size of a bosom and a good behind…………………..
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