Identity Confusion and Hospitality
Identity Confusion and Hospitality:
Gender dysphoria names the condition of someone who feels their body’s biological sex does not match their true gender identity. (Chatraw & Prior,2019) This is identity confusion. I have a granddaughter who was raised by my mother after my son was killed in an accident by a drunk driver. She started to ask my mother to buy her boy’s clothes at about six years of age, boy’s boxer briefs. We thought nothing of it and when she refused to wear the nice dresses mom had bought her it became a concern. She told my mother at 12 years of age that she did not like boys but was interested in girls. She came out at sixteen when she moved in with a woman who was 30. I’ve asked her about it, and she said “she felt like a man trapped in a woman’s body. I’ve told her that I love her no matter what and will be there for her. I did explain that sleeping with a woman was wrong. In Romans 1:26-27, it says women exchanged the natural relations for those that are contrary to nature and men likewise gave up relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error. (ESV) She is my granddaughter, and I will always love her and support her.
The Greek word for hospitality is “philoxenia” which means the love of strangers. As Jesus ministered to the masses, he practiced this model as he welcomed the marginalized, poor, and despicable, he even loved the Samaritans who were despised by the Jewish people. In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus taught that those who fail to welcome strangers in their midst will face judgment and that anyone who welcomed a stranger is in fact welcoming Christ Himself (ESV). As Christians we are called to speak to shape the conscience of America’s immigration policy to keep from damaging the solidarity and structure of the place immigrants are seeking refuge. In working with clients who are different from me, I would practice empathy, authenticity, inclusion, belonging, and invitation. I would have to orientate myself to walk in their shoes for a day and seek to understand what they were feeling. Hospitality is treating everyone as you desire to be treated.
Chatraw, J. D. & Prior, K. S. (2019). Cultural engagement: A crash course in contemporary issues. Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI.
English Standard Version, The Holy Bible (2016). Crossway Bibles.
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