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1 page about gaming

1 page about gaming

In the DSM-5 (the diagnostic handbook for the mental health field), Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is listed as a “Condition for Further Study.” This means it is not seen as an “official disorder” but the APA is requesting further research before labeling it as such in future DSM’s. In light of what Sherry Turkle says about using the word addiction, are the experts barking up the wrong tree here? Even though the current DSM lists nine diagnostic criteria for this problem (e.g. “withdrawal symptoms when not playing Internet games” and “the person lied to others about his or her Internet game usage”), there are certainly many who feel that this doesn’t rise to the level of an “addiction.” What do you think? Is it likely that a “gamer” is going to quit “cold turkey”? If we don’t view IGD as an addiction, what are the options for addressing the problem? Is it even a problem?

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