forum for students
Discussion provides a forum for students to ask questions and answer important questions about the course material. The discussion questions also allow students to receive feedback from the instructor and other students in the class. Please address both of the following prompts.
- The concept of respect in stewardship is common-sense knowledge to some. However, the value is the hardest to master because it is imbedded in all the activities of a leader.
Explain what respect means to you.
Discuss the concept of stewardship.
As a steward leader, discuss ways that you can employ respect. - Leaders who have “people” skills are marked by a profound respect for others’ character and faith in their potential, which is why they enjoy being with people and interact well with them. Explain the statement “The backbone of people skills is reciprocity.”
Discuss at least three (3) ways that you can enhance your interpersonal connections.
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Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for something or something due to their abilities, achievements and qualities. It is also the due regard for feelings, rights and wishes for others, or a particular point, aspect or detail. Respect is earned, gained and achieved through various ways that include polite greetings, agreeing to recognize and abide by a leader, avoidance of harming or interfering with something and expression of one’s approval for someone or something………..
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