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Food Share’s Good Food Café model

Food Share’s Good Food Café model

25% Final Term Essay: Reflections on Experiential Learning Assignment: FoodShare’s Good Food Café:

In the form of a backgrounder for potential government funders your assignment will incorporate the following components:

  1. A brief description of the context in which FoodShare’s Good Food Café model has emerged (ie Ontario Ministry of Education PPM150) in addition to a brief overview of literature regarding issues relevant to school food environments in secondary schools in Canada.
  2. A description of FoodShare’s Good Food Café model based on written materials in course discussions and incorporating your experiential learning experience:
  3. An exploration of specific legislation, policies and/or guidelines applicable to dietetic practice relevant to the Good Food Café & school feeding programs in general
  4. Recommendations for the potential contribution of registered dietitians to the Good Food Café and school feeding programs in general



1.How the model emerged

Relevant Literature

  1. Café modelà 80/20 rule—sell most of (80%) healthiest options

– high levels of essential nutrients, lower fat/sugar/sodium

– Make up 80% of all food choices&beverages for sale in all venues&programs&events

– 20% of slightly higher amounts of at/sugar etc and NO foods that are very high in fat/sugar/ etc.

– *NOTE: most of the foods we grew up on cannot be sold anymore in schools i.elunchables, pizza lunch with chips and pop, etc.

– Drink restrictions- water and non fat milk are allowed, sports/energy drink and caffeine not permitted, all drinks that are not water must be 250ml or less!!!

– have to comply with trans fat standards&healthy foods for schools act

– have to have access to water all day

– Goal of Caféà offertastey, healthy food for a LOW PRICE (“Good healthy food for ALL)

– grantdependant, social justice, equality, partnerships valued, fundraising

– 720 programs &141,000 kids eat daily

– DO NOT want children going off campus to get food- cars, danger of getting hit and unhealthy fast foods being offered.

MY EXPERIENCEà prep work was done behind the scenes in the kitchen, knew how many students didn’t like tomatoes, almost all the food got purchased from the cafeteria, kids loved it, so cheap for what they were getting, community based, need as much help as they can get, very aware and concerned about appearance to get the children to want to eat it (make sure all were equal and neat)

  1. Refer to ICDEPP, Harassment, Or any other course lectures








……………..Answer Preview………………

Issue statement

Ontario government is more concerned to make secondary school a healthier institution in order to establish conditions that understand the potential of every student.  The discourse is aimed at exploring professional practice principles and standards useful to create a good food atmosphere. Food laws and regulations require offering foodstuff that meet the standards. The practice of dietetic and nutrition entails the translation and applications of the scientific knowledge on food and nutrition, in order to attain, maintain and promote the food atmosphere. On the other hand, the practice of dietetic…………



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