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First Amendment and Security Concerns

First Amendment and Security Concerns

I feel like it is narrative essay. Can you make up an argument essay?Be sure to answer the question, Does First Amendment make it difficult to secure the nation?You get example of Snowden. What he leaks gov information are protected under First Amendment?I need strong argument.Example in Freedom of Speech. Like can you say anything bad to govt and consider as Freedom of Speech
2nd: Can you exercise your religion, and your religion requires to do sth bad to your govt or do in harmful way to another individuals.It’s about national security concern.And also describe how govt response to those?Just make sure you answer to the question



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Part 1: Introduction

The 1st Amendment of the U.S constitution leaves behind an array of questions yet to be answered: Can individuals concur on what got implied by religion so law implementers may understand when religion is being encroached? Under the category of free speech, is the freedom to talk one’s mind incorporates the liberty to utilize hostile dialect that might stir something up or affect many people? Is Speech Freedom similar with that of expression, to such an extent that the liberty to censure the U.S. reaches out to ordinary hostile activities including no written or talked words? Will the Freedom of Press secure the constitutional right to distribute obscene and slanderous content? U.S. Preeminent Court has defied the greater………………….


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