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Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy

Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy

Write A Case Study – Instructions below:

Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy and then make clear recommendations with as much support as possible.

Papers should be no more than three double-spaced pages and include a cover page with your name, the date, the course number, and the title of the assignment (case name).

Papers should be organized into specific sections—for example, Background, Key Issues, and Detailed Support for Recommendations.


The introduction to every case should be extremely short. Remember that the person reading the analysis is very aware that there are problems. You shouldn’t waste too much space on this section of your write-up.


Highlight each of the issues, but spend more time with the problems that are critical to the company’s true problem. In some cases, issues may appear to be the key to a dilemma, yet are nothing more than a symptom of a greater problem or something hidden from plain sight. Make sure to spend a significant amount of time just thinking about the case.


One you’ve identified the issues for a company, what decisions does the company’s management have to make to alleviate the situation? Given their financial or strategic position, they may not have the ability to spend their way out and may very well need a more creative solution.


It is often the problem with case analysis that individuals wish to jump to this section first. However, if the issues and options are incorrect, any recommendations will follow suit.

Before you begin writing this section, you need to be confident in what you’ve analyzed. Don’t fall into the temptation of writing this section first.


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Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy


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