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Autism in Gaithersburg City

Autism in Gaithersburg City

final paper

NOTE: If an assignment component is absent, the student receives a zero for that component.


< 77% (C- to C)


78 – 82% (C+ to B-)


83 – 89% (B to B+)


90 – 100 % (A- to A)


Assignment Components
Articulate the problem to be researched, purpose of the study, the research question and hypotheses in operational terms aligned with the theoretical framework of the research.

CO 1, 2, 4, 6

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to provide a description of the nature and purpose of the proposed research with mention of the primary hypothesis.

Neglects to provide the null hypothesis or the importance of the research and scholarly support was limited. 

Vague reference to the research question and primary and null hypotheses. 

Mentions the importance of the research but neglects to provide appropriate scholarly support.

Neglects to provide a discussion of the theoretical framework.


States the research question in operational terms that make the question measurable, but neglects to articulate the primary hypothesis and the null hypothesis in operational terms or the relationship between them.

Addresses the importance of the research with limited examples of appropriate scholarly support.

Mentions the theoretical but only superficially developed.

States the research question in operational terms that make the question measurable. 

Articulates the primary hypothesis and the null hypothesis in operational terms and states the relationship between them.

States the importance of the research with several examples of appropriate scholarly support.

Develops a well formulated theoretical framework for the research question.

/40 pts.

Presents a comprehensive literature review in support of the proposed research question.

CO 2, 3, 4, 6,

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to provide a comprehensive literature review, presenting only limited support for the research question

Neglects to support the research question with scholarly literature, professional ethical guidelines, or the law. 

Provides a limited scholarly literature review. 

Does not address opposing findings regarding the research question

Supplies limited evidence based examples that do not directly relate back to the research question, are vague or their support was weak.

Inappropriately applies scholarly literature, professional ethical guidelines, and the law.

Provides four or five   evidence based examples and explanations to support the research question, but neglects some landmark research or presentation of opposing findings regarding the research questions

Limited scholarly literature, professional ethical guidelines, and the law are provided and appropriately applied.

Provides a comprehensive literature review, reflecting a breadth of scholarly literature and represents supportive and opposing findings regarding the research question.

Provides more than 5 evidence based examples and explanations to support the research question.

Scholarly literature, professional ethical guidelines, and the law are accurately summarized and appropriately applied.

/36 pts.

Present and define the research design selected for the research proposal.

CO 5

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to identify the research design. Mentions one or two research designs, but does not clearly identify the proposed research design.

Neglects to present scholarly research to support the selected research design.

Presents and defines the research design.

Presents limited scholarly research to support the selected research design.

Defines the appropriate research design and relationships to be measured.

Presents comprehensive scholarly research to support the selected research design.

/40 pts.

Identify and define all relevant variables (e.g., participants).

Present procedures for obtaining informed consent.

CO 3

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to state the appropriate variables or the statistical research question for each variable.

Neglects to mention all required elements of informed consent.

States a limited number of appropriate variables with the appropriate statistical research question for each variable.

Provides a general statement of informed consent.

States most appropriate variables with the appropriate statistical research questions for each variable.

Provides a general description of informed consent.

States all the appropriate variables with the appropriate statistical research question for each variable.

Presented specific elements of informed consent.

/40 pts.

Present a systematic description of the methodology to be used in the proposed research.

CO 7, 8

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to articulate the type of data to be collected.

Neglects to discuss the limitations of the proposed research or provide recommendations for addressing the limitations. 

Generally refers to the type of data being collected.

Neglects to define what data would be collected.

Neglects to state how the research will be disseminated.

States the type of data being collected

Partially defines how that data would be collected.

Addresses some limitations, but neglected others.

States the type of data being collected.

Defines how that data would be collected.

Articulates the limitations of the proposed research and provided recommendations for addressing the limitations. 

States how the research will be disseminated.

/40 pts.
Identify and discuss the assessment instruments to be administered and rationale. Present the empirical support for the assessments you have suggested.

CO 4, 6, 7

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to present tests or assessment procedures to address forensic issues. The description of how these tests would be used is lacking or missing.

Neglects to provide cultural and forensic issues that may affect evaluation or many were inaccurate or several key issues were missing.

Neglects to state anticipated conclusions.

Tests or assessment procedures proposed to address forensic issues are inappropriate or missing with underdeveloped descriptions of how these tests would be used.

Supplies inaccurate cultural and forensic issues or a few key issues are missing.

Includes inaccurate conclusions made based upon the information provided in the vignette or the forensic assessments described.

Stated tests or assessment procedures proposed to address forensic issues are accurate based on the information provided in the vignette and empirically supported, but underdeveloped.

Accurate but incomplete description of how these tests would be used.

Vague reference to cultural and forensic issues that may affect evaluation.

Anticipated conclusions have some inconsistencies with the information provided in the vignette or the forensic assessments described.

Tests or assessment procedures proposed to address forensic issues are astute based on the information provided in the vignette and empirical support for their use is provided.

Articulates how these tests would be used.

Specific, appropriate cultural and forensic issues that may affect evaluation are discussed.

Anticipated conclusions are reasonable and based upon the information provided in the vignette and the forensic assessments described.

/40 pts.

Identify the potential ethical issues that might affect the proposed research. Propose a resolution plan for these issues.

CO 1, 3

PO 3

ILO 3, 6

Neglects to include discussion of ethical issues. Ethical decision-making models and ethical principles are either inappropriate to this particular case or may not resolve the ethical dilemmas. 

Potential ethical dilemmas are either not identified or are inappropriate. Ethical decision-making models and ethical principles are either not present, or not appropriately applied to resolve issues.

Incomplete or inaccurate discussion of ethical codes, laws and regulations, times to seek consultation, and courses of action.   

Responses either do not articulate respect for the rights of others or neglect aspects of his/her professional code of ethics (ACA/APA) and local state law.   

States a few relevant ethical codes, general information about applicable laws and regulations, general times when he/she would seek consultation, and reasonable courses of action.

Responses fully convey respect for the rights of others and adherence to his/her professional code of ethics (ACA/APA) and local state law.

All potential ethical dilemmas are specifically and separately identified. Appropriate ethical decision-making models and ethical principles are applied to resolve ethical dilemmas.

Discussion is a comprehensive (yet concise) review of the relevant ethical code, specific information about the applicable laws and regulations, specific times when he/she would seek consultation, and possible, probable, and insightful courses of action.

/36 pts.

Academic WritingWrite in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Include citations in text and at the end of the document in the correct APA format.

ILO 2, 6

Writing was unclear and disorganized and rereading to solidify understanding was frequently necessary. Although an attempt at ethical scholarship was attempted, it was sloppy or incomplete throughout. Spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors severely interfered with readers’ comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document were not in the correct APA format.

Writing was somewhat clear and somewhat organized, although rereading to solidify understanding was occasionally necessary. It demonstrated an attempt at ethical scholarship with regard to accurate representation and attribution of sources, but errors were occasional or minor.

Writing had good spelling, grammar, and punctuation, but errors somewhat interfered with readers’ comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document were mostly in the correct APA format.

Writing was generally clear and organized.

Writing demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displayed accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors were few or isolated, and did not interfere with reader’s comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document were in correct APA format.

Writing was clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Citations in text and at the end of the document were in correct APA format.

/28 pts.


Timeliness Late Work penalty:
Total Score:

/300 pts.

PO 3 Using all rows except the Academic Writing row above, calculate their ranking as follows:

Unsatisfactory      0 – 210 pts = 1
Emerging211 – 223 pts = 2
Proficient224 – 242 pts = 3

Exemplary       243 – 272 pts = 4


Assignment 2: LASA: Research Proposal

Submit your final research paper to the M5 Assignment 2 LASA Dropbox by Wednesday, August 16, 2017. It should include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction, a literature review, a methodology, and a reference page.

Your final paper should be double-spaced, 8–10 pages in length, and properly edited.

Please use the following outline:

  • Introduction (2–3 pages)
    • Introduction (including the statement of the problem)
    • Purpose of the study
    • Research question and hypotheses
    • Theoretical framework
    • Operational definitions
  • Literature review (3 pages)
    • Introduction
    • Review of research topic (as covered by the literature)
    • Conclusion
  • Methodology (3–4 pages)
    • Introduction
    • Research design
    • Participants
    • Instruments
    • Procedures
    • Data analysis
    • Limitations of the study (i.e., threats to validity)
    • Ethical issues
    • Dissemination strategy
    • Summary
  • Reference page

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sour

This LASA is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

Assignment Component Proficient
Maximum Points Possible
Articulate the problem to be researched, purpose of the study, the research question and hypotheses in operational terms aligned with the theoretical framework of the research. States the research question in operational terms that make the question measurable, but neglects to articulate the primary hypothesis and the null hypothesis in operational terms or the relationship between them.

Addresses the importance of the research with limited examples of appropriate scholarly support.

Mentions the theoretical but only superficially developed.

Presents a comprehensive literature review in support of the proposed research question. Presents and defines the research design.

Presents limited scholarly research to support the selected research design.

Identify and define all relevant variables (e.g., participants).

Present procedures for obtaining informed consent.

States most appropriate variables with the appropriate statistical research questions for each variable.

Provides a general description of informed consent.

Present a systematic description of the methodology to be used in the proposed research. States the type of data being collected.

Partially defines how that data would be collected.

Addresses some limitations, but neglected others.

Identify and discuss the assessment instruments to be administered and rationale. Present the empirical support for the assessments you have suggested. Stated tests or assessment procedures proposed to address forensic issues are accurate based on the information provided in the vignette and empirically supported, but underdeveloped.

Accurate but incomplete description of how these tests would be used.

Vague reference to cultural and forensic issues that may affect evaluation.

Anticipated conclusions have some inconsistencies with the information provided in the vignette or the forensic assessments described.

Identify the potential ethical issues that might affect the proposed research. Propose a resolution plan for these issues Responses either do not articulate respect for the rights of others or neglect aspects of his/her professional code of ethics (ACA/APA) and local state law.

States a few relevant ethical codes, general information about applicable laws and regulations, general times when he/she would seek consultation, and reasonable courses of action.

Academic Writing
Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.

Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.


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 Autism in Gaithersburg City

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