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Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven.

Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven.


Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven. Specifically, consider how these scores represent disparate character groups within each film. Begin by describing these character groups in as much detail as the portions of the films we saw allow. Then illustrate the music for each group and explain how each musical element represents its group. Finally, compare these two scores, explaining how they are similar despite each films’ contrasting storyline and setting.

1-2 pages Submit to the Dropbox under Assessments in D2L.


____ Description of each film’s character groups. 30%

____ Illustration of the music for each group. 30%

____ Comparison of the two scores. 30%

____ Presentation: The paper is logically organized into paragraphs, and follows general procedures for a college paper, including proper grammar, sentence structure, movie titles in quotation marks, underlined or italicized, editing and clarity. 10%

DVDs of both films are available for 2-hour checkout at Mabee Library’s Reference Desk. Both questions are based on the first 30 minutes of each film.

This is an analysis paper, not a research paper. Evidence of research outside of the first 30 minutes of each film could result in a grade of 0%.

Plagiarism in any form may result in a 0% grade for the paper and other penalties as enacted by Washburn University. links of the films


This is an analysis paper, not a research paper. Evidence of research outside of the first 30 minutes of each film could result in a grade of 0%.



Answer preview to compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven

Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven.APA

352 words

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