Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory (1971)
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory (1971) and Charlie and the chocolate factory (2005)
Often a story will seem to be deprived of beauty or meaning by the changes made in one filmed
version versus another. On other occasions, the experience of both stories will be enriched by
watching both filmed versions. Write an analytical essay stating your opinion of the quality of the
stories told by the two filmed versions, particularly in terms of the contexts in which they were
made. Justify your opinion with direct reference to both films and through research you have
conducted into the contexts of the films. Your analysis of both works should be well-thought out
and persuasive; make sure to use concrete examples from both films and from your research to
support your ideas. You may also enrich your analysis by applying one or more critical theory
lenses to the works in order to substantiate your evaluation of the context and significance of
the films in comparison to one another.
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