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ANT2050 people and cultures of the world.

ANT2050 people and cultures of the world.

ANT2050 people and cultures of the world.

Ethnographic Film Analysis

You will choose a film from the list below (others may be suggested and approved). The purpose is to draw on the reading assignments (specifically cited) and other course content to analyze the film from an anthropological perspective. Papers should be 4-5 pages long, double-spaced, exclusive of works cited list.

Late papers will not be accepted unless you have a valid excuse. Most films are available through Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Red Box, etc., and some are in the UNF library or your local library. The film you choose must be analyzed in the context of class readings and lecture materials – provide citations where applicable and list sources in a Work Cited page using APA or other social science style (NOT MLA format). Each of the films listed here has underlying themes about American or other cultures that can be analyzed using any three of the following course concepts: cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, various forms of reciprocity, division of labor, cross-cultural communication, consumerism, globalization, development and poverty, structural violence, racism, sexism, genocide, ethnocide, the functions of marriage and kinship, gender hierarchies, age hierarchies, social inequality, structural inequality, rites of passage, and indigenous rights. Do not write a book-report type of paper. Analyze aspects of the film in relation to anthropological principles above. Your paper should have an introduction and conclusion. See the rubric at the end of this document for more information on grading.


“Gran Torino” (American). Curmudgeonly Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood, who also directs) must confront his Hmong immigrant neighbors — and his own long-held prejudices — when the family’s teenage son, Thao (Bee Vang), tries to steal Walt’s beloved 1972 Gran Torino. Walt soon assumes the unlikely role of guardian angel to young Thao and his sister Sue (Ahney Her), both of whom are vulnerable to local gang influences.

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ANT2050 people and cultures of the world.
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