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Watch the film, Judas and the Black Messiah

Watch the film, Judas and the Black Messiah

This week you will watch the film, Judas and the Black Messiah. It is for rent ($3.99) through multiple steaming services: https://www.judasandtheblackmessiah.com/. It is also streaming for free with Hulu and HBO Max subscriptions. This should be the only course content that you have to pay for this semester. The film was co-produced by Ryan Coogler (director of the Black Panther); Shaka King, the film\’s director and co-writer, was a philosophy major!

While I am assigning this film as our \’case study\’ for our next unit on Kant, King, and Wells, you will find that it also has strong connections our earlier consideration of moral virtues and friendship.

Optional materials about the film:



This prompt is simple, but deep: What did you learn from watching this film? You don\’t need to write more than 2-3 paragraphs, but please reserve your comments for genuine reflection.

Please write the answers in VERY SIMPLE LANGUAGE.

I\’ll give you the money to rent the movie or please let me know if you have Hulu or HBO

Max subscription to watch the movie.

Requirements: 1 and half pages

Answer preview to watch the film, Judas and the Black Messiah

Watch the film, Judas and the Black Messiah


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