Paper 1: Write a 3-4 page paper (1000 words) on any Feature film made between 1900-1959. A list of acceptable films will be provided to you, but feel free to pick another film within this time frame as long as you ask for and get my approval. Give some background and context for the film you are analyzing; when was it made, who was the Director, what awards did it win, and any other information that helps provide context. Give a summary of the plot in at most 3 or 4 paragraphs, but do NOT make this 90% of your paper, please. I would like to know why you think this was a good or bad film, and please cite some specific scenes to back up your conclusions. This paper is due September 18; late papers will be accepted until September 24th, but will get a 10% penalty. Please be sure to both use and cite at least two sources; you will lose 5 points if you do not do this.
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The Best Years of Our Lives
The Best Years of Our Lives is a classic film produced by Samuel Goldwyn. The film aired in 1946. The film centers of the challenging traumatic adjustments that three servicemen have to undergo upon returning. After the World War 2, the three men struggle to address issues of unemployment, alcoholism, as well as adultery. The movie won numerous awards, including the Best Picture award, largely due to the outstanding performance of the three main characters. The film’s ironic title refers to the fact…..
1034 words