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Briefly describe the major thrust of family-centered practice and the use of family members as experts on their history

Briefly describe the major thrust of family-centered practice and the use of family members as experts on their history

This week’s Discussion:

Briefly describe the major thrust of family-centered practice and the use of family members as experts on their history and challenges. Also, describe 1 theoretical framework that you believe would fit in with your personal worldview on helping families at risk. Why did you choose that framework? In your opinion, what are the implications for practice, for human service administrators, related to family-centered assessment?

Respond to at least one colleague in one of the following ways: share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting, validate an idea with your own experience, or expand on your colleague’s posting.

(Note: You do not need to respond to the discussion questions, it is included for your reference so you are aware of what questions the students are replying to) I posted my colleague’s response to the discussion question above, please respond to her post. Begin the response with Hi Desiree) (I need at least a half page response) Please include references and provide the url link to all journal articles you use as references. Use current (meaning within the past 2 years) scholarly journal articles as references. Please use APA 6th edition format. Thanks)

Desiree’s Post:

The thrust in family-centered services evolved when administrators began to notice the importance of family. Patients who were once healthy in a hospital setting, went home and easily reverted back to their old ways. Realizing that removing a child from their family may invoke deeper emotional issues down the line.

The theoretical framework that I believe would fit in with the worldview on helping families at risk is the holistic approach. Given the history of our ancestors and the state of the world today, the holistic approach takes into consideration that each client is their own person. It covers the categories of biological, psychological, and social , with the inclusion of cultural and spiritual.

I chose this approach because we live in America, which is the home for many cultures. Workers must take into consideration and be sensitive with their approach and also take the necessary time to learn each client.

Walton, E. (2001). Balancing family-centered services and child well-being. A conceptual framework for family-centered services. Columbia University Press. 69-128.

Answer preview to briefly describe the major thrust of family-centered practice and the use of family members as experts on their history

Briefly describe the major thrust of family-centered practice and the use of family members as experts on their history

362 words

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