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Extra Credit

 Extra Credit

Extra Credit Assignment: Due end of day April 14th.

Write a synopsis of the paper DeYoe et al 2007.

This essay should include at least two paragraphs. Paragraph one should include the reason for the research, the importance of the research, the scientific question being asked by the scientists and the hypothesis/hypotheses being tested. Paragraph two should include whether the results supported or did not support the research, how the results supported or did not support the research, how the results add to the field of study and/or what research still needs to be done.

Essays must be turned in through blackboard as a word document. Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment. No quotes may be used in the essay; put everything into your own words. You can use sources other than the paper to help write the essay.
Extra Credit Assignment: Due end of day April 14th.

Write a synopsis of the paper McDonald et al 2011.

This essay should include at least two paragraphs. Paragraph one should include the reason for the research, the importance of the research, the scientific question being asked by the scientists and the hypothesis/hypotheses being tested. Paragraph two should include whether the results supported or did not support the research, how the results supported or did not support the research, how the results add to the field of study and/or what research still needs to be done.

Essays must be turned in through blackboard as a word document. Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment. No quotes may be used in the essay; put everything into your own words. You can use sources other than the paper to help write the essay.




………………………………..Answer preview…………………………………..

Brown tides are mainly caused by an alga known as Aureoumbra lagunensis and the first time when this alga was discovered to be responsible for this damage was in 1989. The Brown tide organism was dominant until the late 1997 where it had been observed in the Laguna Madre ecosystem. To determine how the brown tide challenge could be controlled an experiment was conducted………………………………..


1134 words

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