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Articulate your understanding of the etiology (causes) of addictions and addictive behaviors

Articulate your understanding of the etiology (causes) of addictions and addictive behaviors

Working With Addictions

Note: This assignment meets 2009 CACREP Standard G.2; 2016 CACREP Standard SC. 21.

In this assignment, you will articulate your understanding of the etiology (causes) of addictions and addictive behaviors; demonstrate your ability to recognize the signs of addiction; and design strategies for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of addictions commonly found in school-aged youth.


This assignment consists of three parts.

Part 1

Write a 3–5-page addictions analysis paper, in which you will:

Describe the etiology (causes) of addictions and addictive behaviors.

Describe the signs of substance abuse and addiction in school-aged populations.

Explain how to design strategies for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of addictions commonly found in school-aged youth.

Support your statements using a minimum of five resources, at least one of which is not provided in the required readings for this course. Conform to APA sixth edition style and formatting guidelines for your in-text citations and reference list.

Part 2

Create a detailed case study of a student who is experiencing a substance abuse issue or another addiction, such as excessive gaming or Internet use. At a minimum, your case study should include the following four parameters:

Basic student demographics.

Cultural considerations potentially affecting the case.

Family history of substance abuse or addictions.

Student-specific use history.

Part 3

Write a narrative self-reflection on how you would work with a student as described in your case study. For the self-reflection:

Describe what you believe are your strengths in working with a student facing the identified issue.

Address how you would apply core counseling skills in a culturally sensitive manner.

Examine possible transference or counter-transference issues that might emerge for you in working with this student.

Reflect on how you may be challenged in working with the case you have presented, and what you can do to overcome that challenge.

NoteYou are not required to adhere to APA standards in Parts 2 and 3.

Refer to the Working With Addictions Scoring Guide for the grading criteria for this assignment. Use the scoring guide as a self-assessment tool and as a checklist for ensuring that you have fulfilled all the requirements.

Answer preview to articulate your understanding of the etiology (causes) of addictions and addictive behaviors

Articulate your understanding of the etiology (causes) of addictions and addictive behaviors

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