Visit the U.S. Census website
Visit the U.S. Census website ( to an external site.) and CA data page ( Links to an external site.), find the following information:
the city where you live (if you cannot find your city, use the county instead. Keep in mind, most of the SF valley area are in L.A. city) PLEASE USE LOS ANGELES
the demographic information about the city; specifically the following:
The city where you live
population size (most recent)
race and ethnicity of the population (% of each race and ethnicity)
percent of people 65 and over
percent of people under 18
percent of people with Bachelor\’s degree or higher (compare your city with CA and US data)
percent of foreign born persons
median household income (compare your city with CA and US data)
percent of owner-occupied housing unit
median value ($) of owner-occupied housing unit (compare your city with CA and US data)
median gross rent (compare your city with CA and US data)
percent of people in poverty (compare your city with CA and US data)
(when I ask you to compare city with CA and US data, you should have 3 numbers –one for your city, one for CA and one for US)
- Summarize the major demographic and economic differences among your city, CA and US from the data.
Part 2: Visit US Bureau of Labor Statistics website ( Links to an external site.), find the following information:
- Median annual wage of the occupation you will enter after graduation
- Unemployment rate and earning of all educational levels
Requirements: answer all questions
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