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For this essay you will write a short theoretical ethical article. The goal of a theoretical article is to explain in a non-biased way how various ethical theories would apply to a given topic. In some cases this may be easy, as the relevant philosophers may have both considered and directly written about the relevant topic. In other cases, this will require you to consider the theory and apply it as faithfully as you can (for example: applying Plato’s reasoning to issues regarding the internet will inherently require some argument, but a good argument should be relatively uncontroversial).

You should select the SAME topic as you did for the first Short Essay- Cyberbullying.

In terms of Ethical Theories, you should consider all of the following:

A. Utilitarian Ethics

B. Kantian Ethics

C. Virtue Ethics

D. Contractarian approaches to Ethics (this includes the theories from the chapter on Social Contract Theories – such as John Rawls’ theory – OR the classical theories of John Locke or Thomas Hobbes who are also discussed in the notes for the class). In considering this section, you can approach the material in either of two ways: discuss the idea of contracts broadly, but without getting into the details of any particular theory (for example, you might mention Rawls, but you would not go into detail regarding the “Veil of Ignorance) OR you may instead choose a single author and focus on them in great detail.(I have included J.Rawl only in the scanned files)

This is a lot to do, and you only have limited space: papers should be NO MORE THAN 2 Pages in length (Typed, double-spaced, font no smaller than 11, etc…i.e. don’t try to squeeze in a whole lot of extra content). This will limit your paper, but that is considered into the assignment itself, so make the most out of the space you have.

Also note, this essay may require you to do some outside research on the relevant philosophers. Two things are key here. First, be sure to pick good, reliable sources, you can consider Wikipedia to be about as good as a normal textbook: which means it has flaws AND it should definitely not be your only source. For philosophical research, the “Stanford Online Encyclopedia of Philosophy,” is generally a reputable source as well, and of course your course textbooks will be excellent resources for this essay. Second, clearly identify your sources. To do this, you must at minimum include a works cited page (preferably with proper in-text citations following either MLA or APA formats

utilitarian__textbook_ pleasure_and_the_principle_of_utility_prof.notes j.rawl antian__textbook_ kantian_ethics_prof.notes

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