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Ethical healthcare

Ethical healthcare

Ethical healthcare: 1 page
2 sources
APA format Ethical healthcare
Ethical healthcare: 3hours
and please don’t copy and paste from anywhere cuz I’m already under investigation through school for a plagiarism charge
(Start from the part on :ALL ABOUT THE MONARCH SANCTUARY ) customer want 300 words on mission and values statement)
an for the values statement i would like it to kinda stay this way but using the meaning of the words for how it relates into the organization
M- Magnificence
O- Organization
N- Nurturance
R- Respect
C- Compassion
H- Humility
S- Strength
A- Altruism is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others
N- Nobility our cliental will possess more acknowledged privileges
C- Community
T- Trust
U- Understanding
A- Authenticity
R- Recognition that each child is an individual
Y-Because we care
an questions 9, 10, and 11 r not answered u can pull from whats below that

So split it between the mission and the values statements (300WORDS)
Assignment: Building an Ethical Organization Part 1
You are proposing a new Ethical Organization, and working on the business plans to create this organization. One of the first tasks is to draft a mission statement and a values statement (with core values detailed as well) for your organization. As the organization grows, the stakeholders will provide their input to help shape the final proposal.
Due Date: Day 7
Write a 1,500 word minimum essay in APA format containing the following elements:
o Description of organization:
1. What is the name of the organization?
2. What services does the organization provide?
3. Who are the clientele?
4. Is it a for-profit or non-profit organization?
o Mission statement:
5. What is organization’s mission statement? Ensure this is a punchy and short statement that can stand alone and the staff can memorize and live by.
6. How will the mission statement support the ethical system?
7. What message does the mission statement send to the community?
o Values statement:
8. What is the organization’s core value statement? What values statements and actions will support the core
value? There should be value words integrated in this main statement and then they should be elaborated
9. How will these values inspire action and influence behavior?
10. How do these values relate to the organization’s mission?
USE APA WRITING STYLE per the guide posted. Run the Plagiarism check via Turnitin and upload it as a separate attachment in the assignment link along with the Certificate of Originality.
Post the completed paper as an attachment. Ensure all 10 questions above are answered in paragraph format (like a story) within the paper. Ensure to use all the prior and current course reading materials and concepts incorporating them (and referencing them) into the paper where it is appropriate. Ensure to use the grading rubric to guide the paper. Introduction and conclusion are required, as well as referencing in text and at the end.
Notice this assignment is Part 1 of your final paper. The feedback provided should be looked at and the recommendations for improvements used/ incorporated into Part 2.
Helpful hints for success – ensure you Google any proposed agency to ensure one is not already in existence. Use those already in existence as references and cite them. They should be looked at for how/why your organization will improve upon an existing service; or fill a need not yet filled. This is part of linking relevant theories and examples of current industry. Also make sure you name the organization. It will be needed in the final paper. Again, check to be sure it does not already exist. Use the UoP Library Databases to locate peer-reviewed sources that will support the need for the agency and/or services it will provide.
Assignment: Building an Ethical Organization Part 1
Content and Development
70 Points
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.
• The paper covers the following aspects of the organization:
o Description: Name of the organization, services the organization provides, the organization’s clientele, and whether the organization is for-profit or nonprofit
o Mission statement: How the mission statement supports the ethical system, and the message the mission statement sends to the community
o Values statement: How those values inspire action and influence behavior and how they relate to the organization’s mission
• The paper is at least 1,500 words in length.
(30 points)
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience. (10 points)
The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. Ensure to use real world references and cite them. At least 2 peer-reviewed resources are used, as well as the course text. (10 points)
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. (10 points)
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. It reads as if the reader is not aware of the assignment and provides a thorough overview of what is to come. (5 points)
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points. (5 points)
Readability and Style
10 Points
Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper. (3 points)
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. (3 points)
Sentences are well constructed, complete, clear and concise, with consistently strong varied sentences. Use of run-on sentences is limited. (4 points)
10 Points
The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendixes follow APA guidelines for format. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. (2 points)
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. Without this it may have plagiarism. Any concept or terms not personally known to you prior to this class ensure to cite!
(2 points)
Rules of grammar usage and punctuation are followed. (4 points)
Spelling is correct. (2 points)
Points Deducted -10% penalty each day late
90 Points
The name of the organization will be The Monarch Sanctuary. The type of agency will be a respite/group/nursing facility for special needs children that will provide a multitude of services that are specifically related to the special needs population that is often neglected in our area that we serve. The type of health or human services we will be providing will be: Case management/support coordination, because many of these children need multiple services and or therapies. We will provide all levels of care from basic needs to nursing care and will have a doctor on site at all times. This will be a facility that where those people who pose the threat of harm to others or to themselves can be supervised we will provide a secure place that is well protected for the sake of everyone. This will be a place where parents or guardians can seek help and rest when they feel exhausted from the daily task of taking care of a child with special needs and know that their child will be safe and well cared for. It will be a good place for children that have disabilities especially those who require continual supervision and care. The Monarch Sanctuary is a place where children with persistent mental disorders or any other disability that makes them rely on others can be served well by being given appropriate care and help in performing tasks like taking medication. This will also be an alternative to where hospice / palliative care can be provided if needed. The Monarch sanctuary will be not-for-profit organization. In terms of staffing, the size of our facility will have 3 floors with handicap accessibility of 50,000 square feet. The screening that the staff will have to go through will be very intense to ensure that they are the best possible candidates to fill the very important positions to work in our facility. The hours of operation will be 24/7 for our clients and our business hours will be 8am to 8pm.
The mission statement for The Monarch Sanctuary purpose is to strengthen families by providing opportunities for everyone to build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities and to enhance the quality of life of children with disabilities and their families. And we are committed to helping its members provide quality care efficiently and effectively for the individuals and families they serve.
6. How will the mission statement support the ethical system?
7. What message does the mission statement send to the community?
The message that our mission statement sends out to the community is that they can depend on us in their time of need.
This is the core value statement for The Monarch Sanctuary
M- Magnificence
O- Organization
N- Nurturance
R- Respect
C- Compassion
H- Humility
S- Strength
A- Altruism is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others
N- Nobility our cliental will possess more acknowledged privileges
C- Community
T- Trust
U- Understanding
A- Authenticity
R- Recognition that each child is an individual
Y-Because we care
9. What values statements and actions will support the core value? There should be value words integrated in this main statement and then they should be elaborated on.Ethical healthcare
o 10. How will these values inspire action and influence behavior?
o 11. How do these values relate to the organization’s mission?
Ethical healthcare: Monarch Sanctuary requires a moral vision that is focused on continually improving the ethical values of the agency. This moral vision should include the following; formulating policies that promote the firm’s values and ethics, stating the rules and regulations of the agency clearly and ensuring that they promote ethical behavior, and also promoting ethical behavior through acting in an ethical manner so that all the workers behave in a similar manner. The leaders’ should therefore be an example to be followed through exemplifying ethical conduct. Additionally, the moral vision can go as far as helping the community through providing help to those who require medical attention and yet do not have the ability to afford them.
Ethical healthcareThe moral vision for the firm should also encourage the entire agency members including the children, their guardians and parents and also the workers, to always give suggestions on how to improve the services and the moral aspects of the profession in the agency. This include setting suggestion boxes for comments on how services are provided in the agency and taking keen interest on what is suggested by the others. Thus, the moral vision for Monarch Sanctuary should always seek to improve the services provided and to uphold ethical standards in the best way possible (Johnson, 2009).
Based on the aspect of developing moral vision, Monarch Sanctuary should ensure that its leaders can achieve the goals set by the agency for the leaders which include;
• The goal of changing the lives of the children and making them better.
• The goal of improving the mental and physical disability of the children within a certain timeline.
• The goal of helping the parents or guardians that feels distressed from home activities.
• The goals of being a provider of quality health care and attention for the disabled children.
Some of the values required for the leaders of the Monarch Sanctuary include;
• Leaders selected must be of high integrity and therefore are expected to work respectfully.
• They must be responsible people.
Ethical healthcare: They must be driven by the desire to save the disabled children and to change the society.
• They should be optimistic and ready to work to bring changes to the lives of others.
• They should be competent people.
• They should act with dignity and should generally possess good values (Dlugacz, 2010).
Ethical healthcare: References
Ethical healthcare: Dlugacz, Y. D. (2010). Value-based health care: Linking finance and quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Duvall home. (n.d). Retrieved from http://duvallhome.org/index.cfm
Ethical healthcare:Gold, S. D. (2011). Americans with Disabilities Act. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark.
Hall, B.S. (2012). American with Disabilities Act. Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd edition.New York: Advameg.Inc.
Johnson, J. A. (2009). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Manning, S.S. (2003). Ethical Leadership in Human Services: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Pearson Education Inc: New York.
Post, L. F., Blustein, J., & Dubler, N. N. (2006). Handbook for health care ethics committees. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rudin, J., & Pereles, K. (2012). Notes on the ADA: overweight and overdue: weight-based discrimination and the ADA amendments act. Labor Law Journal, 63(2), 137-142.
Ethical healthcare:Shale, S. (2012). Moral leadership in medicine: Building ethical healthcare organizations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


………………………Answer preview…………………….

The Monarch Sanctuary is an organizational agency that is made to be respite facility to accommodate children with special needs. The agency will provide diverse services to locals with special needs population that has been neglected in the community. Some of the services which the agency will provide include; management of children with special needs……………………….


375 words

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