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Esters house krefeld germany architect mies van der rohe

Esters house krefeld germany architect mies van der rohe

research paper  This will be a research paper with 4 to 5 pages of text on the questions under investigation since the beginning of the semester (N.b.: I will not read anything beyond the 6th page; the font-size ought to be reasonable, and no single-spaced text). You must submit a hard-copy at the beginning of class, and upload an electronic file onto the “Safe Assign” program on Blackboard Learn at the same time. Your paper will be evaluated for plagiarism by “Safe Assign.” If you do not submit the electronic file, you’ll receive a grade of “Incomplete” for the class until you do. Your work will be evaluated for the clarity of the structure, the logic in the development of your argument, and the thoroughness with which you respond to the 2 questions for the project (see above).
notes: i) Verbal description of the example and its parts/qualities/aspects ought to be used to make a point; employ it to build an argument about the topics that you chose, their modernity, and how that reflects the designer’s understanding.
ii) Use quotes judiciously. Of course, you need to cite the sources for all information that did not come out of your own head (usually at the rate of 1 or 2 notes per paragraph, and each note can contain one or two sources). But direct quotes ought to be reserved for crucial statements by an historical source, or for break-through insight by scholars or observers which you can’t put in your own words easily or better.
iii) Save paper: no need for a title page (or any sort of cover), and the endnotes and bibliography are in addition to the 4 – 5 pages of text.
iv) It should have a clear introductory paragraph with thesis sentence, body of the paper, and conclusion.
v) Consider it to be technical writing, although — if you have visited the building — your reactions and perceptions may be valid things to report briefly.
vi) The paper must have the apparatus required of a research paper: endnotes (not footnotes, and certainly not parenthetical citations), proper format for direct quotes, and a bibliography. You must cite sources for all information that did not come out of your own head (both direct quotes and information put in your own words). Citations in the endnotes and bibliography must be made according to the Chicago Style standards (see Hacker, Pocket Style Manual).
vii) all images should be in the graphic presentation (or at the END of the paper, if necessary)
5) graphic presentation (e-mailed directly to John Alexander before the
beginning of class on Thursday, 20 November): This will consist of a Powerpoint Presentation saved as a pdf file that you e-mail directly to me. It should consist of not more than 6 pages:
page 1: Introductory information (ID the building, ID yourself, provide a few key images of the building or interior)
following pages: provide 1 page dedicated to each of the topics discussed in the paper. Provide a “road-map image” for the example (site plan? floor plan? axonometric? aerial view? diagram?) that will show up on all pages. Provide the images necessary to demonstrate the points that you made in your paper, and KEY EACH OF THEM IN GRAPHICALLY TO THE COMMON ROAD-MAP IMAGE to show me where the photo was taken from, or what it’s showing.
In the paper, you discussed how we can see the designer’s understanding or definition of “modernism” in this example. This is your chance to prove your assertions with visual or graphic means. Thus, the images should allow the reader to understand the paper, and demonstrate the Modern qualities. They ought to be organized in a clear, logical way.
notes: i) Every image must be keyed into a road-map image that is common to all pages of the Powerpoint.
ii) The images may be taken from any source (including unjustified internet sources or websites) but you must cite all of your sources on the final page of the presentation (and if the images are your drawings or photographs, tell me that, too).
break-down of grades for this project:
Subject, Observations and Bibliography: 5% of the overall grade
Introductory Paragraph and Outline: 5% of the overall grade
Research Paper: 70% of the overall grade
Walk-Through: 20% of the overall grade
Please note the following:
i) I will deduct 10% off of any part of this project if it is not handed in at the beginning of class; I will not accept anything that is more than 24 hours late.
ii) I will not return the walk-through or the research paper to you; you will receive a piece of paper with my evaluation and a grade.
iii) Some things for which I deduct points include: unjustified websites, improper format for the citations, insufficient citations, unacceptable amount of problems with grammar or punctuation, quotation or information that did not come from the cited source, overabundance of quotes
…………………..Answer Preview……………….

Esters House, Krefeld, Germany


Esters House, situated in the aristocratic quarter of Krefeld Germany, is an outstanding stone villa that was designed by the German architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe. It was commissioned by Josef Esters, an executive of the silk weaving mills and an avid collector of contemporary art. It sits next to Lange House, which was designed by the same architect and was commissioned by Hermann Lange around the same time that Esters House was commissioned. Constructed between 1928 and 1930 in the Bauhaus style, the house was later converted into a modern arts exhibition museum due to its unique……………………

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