How does the Eschatological Discourse/Synoptic Apocalypse help you to understand the parables
Judgment? What Judgment?
Kingdom, Grace, Judgment (Capon, 2002)
Book 3, Chapter 7: God’s Action in History
Book 3, Chapter 8: The Eye of the Hurricane
Book 3, Chapter 9: The Deluge of Judgment by Mercy
Book 3, Chapter 10: The Waters of Judgment Rose
Stories with Intent (Snodgrass, 2018)
The Wicked Tenants
The Wedding Banquet and the Feast
The Eschatological Discourse
Matthew 21-25
Luke 19-21
Throughout these chapters in Matthew (and to some extent, in Luke), Jesus was getting ready to be arrested by the authorities and killed. As part of his teaching, he engaged in what is known as The Eschatological Discourse or the Synoptic Apocalypse, and the teaching in Matthew is particularly striking. In four to five paragraphs, respond to the following:
How does the Eschatological Discourse/Synoptic Apocalypse help you to understand the parables? What is its relationship to those parables?
What is the character of the judgment that occurs throughout these parables? It appears that Jesus is almost glorying in the judgment. Is he? How else might that judgment be understood?
Bolster your argument by explaining how at least two parables or symbolic actions (“enacted parables”) should be interpreted as instances of the judgment you find in the second step.
Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research.
Click here for information on course rubrics.
The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these weekly materials for future use.
Kingdom, Grace, Judgment (Capon, 2002)
Book 3, Chapter 7: God’s Action in History
Book 3, Chapter 8: The Eye of the Hurricane
Book 3, Chapter 9: The Deluge of Judgment by Mercy
Book 3, Chapter 10: The Waters of Judgment Rose
Book 3, Chapter 11: The Flood of Judgment by Mercy
Book 3, Chapter 12: The End of the Storm (I)
Book 3, Chapter 13: The End of the Storm (II)
Book 3, Chapter 14: Epilogue
Stories with Intent (Snodgrass, 2018)
The Wicked Tenants
The Wedding Banquet and the Feast
The Eschatological Discourse
The Ten Virgins
The Talents and the Minas
The Sheep and the Goats
Matthew 21-25
Luke 19-21
Answer preview to how does the Eschatological Discourse/Synoptic Apocalypse help you to understand the parables 
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