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ERP Software Implementation

1) What advice would you give to RM Foods if it decided to choose a different ERP software solution? 2) How can integrating SCM, CRM, and ERP help improve business operations at RM Foods?

i have upload 2 sample one is the sample case and the other one is sample report so you can try to make looks like it.

and i have upload the article for the class so you can work on it




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RM Foods is a 50-year-old food and beverage manufacturer as well as a distributor. It is a company that has grown from being a supplier to a much larger company with a wider customer base. The company initially started off without an ERP system, which actually did place them at a disadvantaged position in terms of business management and tracking of different activities related to the business. However, the company decided to set up an ERP software, of which it was successfully implemented within six….


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