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Discuss the epidemiology of allergies.

Discuss the epidemiology of allergies.

A 35-year-old comes to the clinic. He states, “It’s getting close to allergy season and I need something to keep me from getting sick. Last year the doc gave me a shot, a spray, some pills, and an inhaler. They worked really well but I don’t remember what they were. Can I have those things again? I just can’t afford to miss work.”

Please answer the following questions in a narrative format:

Discuss the epidemiology of allergies.

What are your treatment options (consider pharmacoeconomic)? Compare first and second-generation antihistamines.

What education will you provide to the patient?

***A minimum of 6 paragraphs is required for all posts. Support all posts with at least 2 cited peer review references within 5 years of publication (references cannot be older than 5 years).All posts are to be written in APA 6th edition format as required by the university.

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Discuss the epidemiology of allergies.


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