Equitable Engagement Practices Across Identities
Assignment Details:
Cornerstone 1: Equitable Engagement Practices Across Identities (Race, ethnicity, language, (dis)ability, social economic status, religion, gender, social orientation)
Recognize & Overcome Ahistorical Treatment
Consider: How have families across identities been framed in terms of school engagement?
Actions 1: How and in what ways might school leaders view and approach families from across the identities and backgrounds?
Actions 2: How might school leader build teacher and staff capacity to overcome assumptions, biases and beliefs?
The last article needed is a web based one where I was not able to upload, so I have added the link here:http://track.smtpsendemail.com/9064721/c?p=ej3_kgWr5YBjm8XwqtwVEK4Wwvh5BMeYKlmRuWTXP7lOufk_La1c_y-T-53UzRUvt9dL2bvN2m2W-tCHi5H0c43P2bToGyktIwz3SJnWn90OG99FtgM7hswZ05J4g02QmgbzRBZJKANAs07oNqg4zFYtwRWUcciB57akhgshgZ9D2A72rWjZQPjY4E0ao8J-FKd8xlbvPU8Uc69WvUDrCQ==
Answer preview to Equitable Engagement Practices Across Identities
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