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Outline how you would design an employee performance appraisal system for your organization. 

Outline how you would design an employee performance appraisal system for your organization.

Use the job description from the Wk 2 assignment to complete this assignment.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you cover the following:

Outline how you would design an employee performance appraisal system for your organization. It must be a comprehensive system, not simply an annual written evaluation.

Using the job description, discuss how the work described would be evaluated using your proposed performance appraisal system. Are you looking for behaviors? Results? Can the work described be quantified? How can “intangibles” such as “provide good customer service” be measured?

Justify your responses with support from your textbook, peer-reviewed research, and other sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Answer preview to outline how you would design an employee performance appraisal system for your organization.

Outline how you would design an employee performance appraisal system for your organization. 


1300 words

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