Foster v. Board of Trustees of Butler County Community College; Bearman v. University of Notre Dame
Foster v. Board of Trustees of Butler County Community College; Bearman v. University of Notre Dame
Please review Case 2.13 (Foster v. Board of Trustees of BCCC) and answer the following prompts using complete sentences:
What facts of the case led to Johnson being considered an employee of BCCC?
What factors must be taken into consideration in determining scope of employment?
As an athletic director for a collegiate athletic program, what steps might you take to avoid this kind of litigation?
Please review Case 3.1 (Bearman v. University of Notre Dame) and answer the following prompts using complete sentences:
What is the duty of a premises owner/operator to invitees?
As a facility manager of a sports venue, what steps could you take to avoid this type of litigation?Course Textbook:Introduction to Sport Law with Case Studies in Sport Law, 2nd Edition. Written by Spengler. Published by Human Kinetics. ISBN: 978-1450457002.
Requirements: 1 page
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