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Emotional intelligence at work


Emotional intelligence at work

Marshmallow Experiment (Walter Mischel)
Minimum of 5 references, no older than 5-6 years.
APA Style
Power Point + video clip
Criticisms if any
Cite source on all power point pages
Must include an Annotated bibliography for all references.

Found this website to be informative just incase you want to use it. http://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/struggles-psychologist-studying-self-control
You need to do an annotated bibliography of 5 sources. Then do a powerpoint of 12 slides on the above topic



……………………Answer preview……………………

The results of the test revealed  the following;

Some children revealed delayed gratification by delaying to pick the reward

Noted, some children were fast in picking the rearwards

References: Singh, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence at work: A professional guide. Sage……………………………………..

13 slides

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