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Emerging Economies and Globalization

Emerging Economies and Globalization


Markets in developed economies are approaching saturation level. Therefore, MNCs are searching for new untapped markets in emerging countries such as India and China. Since the healthcare industry will continue to grow in the future due to the size of the global population and its age composition, General Electric Healthcare (GEH) is trying to capitalize on these trends. It is expanding its operations and development of new drugs and manufacturing of the medical equipment in India and China.


Read the following articles:

  • At least one peer-reviewed article related to the trade theories in general as well as for China and India
  • Articles related to the human resource management for MNCs, cross-cultural management, expatriate training, and expatriates’ success/failure in overseas assignments
  • Articles related to GEH

Then, respond to the following:

  1. Select two trade theories that best explain why GEH expanded its operations of developing new drugs to India, and manufacturing X-ray business to China.
  2. Explain the selected theories, and then evaluate GEH’s reasoning.
  3. Explain possible pitfalls for such strategy from GEH’s perspective.
  4. Identify solutions to the possible pitfalls for the strategy.
  5. For each operation (India and China), evaluate GEH’s human resource strategy.
  6. Identify how you would design training for preparing expatriates for their assignments to India and China if you were in charge of their training prior to the overseas assignment.

Write a 7–10-page paper in Word format. Utilize at least five to seven scholarly sources in your research. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Selected two trade theories that are specific and appropriate to the expansion of GEH. The theories explain why operations were expanded. You must name the trade theories and explain the specific mechanism the lead to expanded operations.


Explanation of theories is specific, accurate, and clear. The explanation includes how the theories are incorporated into the expansion of GEH. Evaluation of reasoning to expand is complete, appropriate, and accurate. The evaluation states how expanding benefits GEH. Define the theory, it components and how it use used in at GEH


Explanation of pitfalls is reasonable and appropriate. Explanation includes how and why the pitfalls are likely to occur. Pitfalls explained are reasonable based on the strategy.


Solutions identified are reasonable, appropriate, and likely to solve any possible problems. Solutions given explain how possible pitfalls could be remedied.


Evaluation of the human resource strategy is complete, specific, and in depth. The evaluation focuses on aspects of the strategy unique to each operation (i.e., diversity, acquisition, etc.). Be sure to discuss strategy not characteristics of the HR department, discuss the benefits of the strategy, costs, ideal conditions in which the strategy is effective (this demonstrates depth), discuss elements from the literature that may be missing from their HR strategy


Identification (name) of training design is complete, clear, and specific. Training includes information on preparing for both professional and personal development. Justification for the training design is included. Explain why this training design is superior to others use references to support your work, you may discuss benefits, outcomes etc. 60
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. No first person, no direct quotes, proper citations of only sources contained in the reference


Total: 300











…………………….Answer Preview………………………..

Trade theory is a collection of models that are assumed to be able to increase the scale productions of an organization and return to network effects.  Most of these theories assume that building a large industrial base in certain industries will allow those sectors to dominate the world market. This is an important theory for countries that depend on a large percentage on the proceeds from international trade. These countries include China and India. Trade is also an important aspect of the relationship between different……………..


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