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Federal Emergency Planning Mandates

Federal Emergency Planning Mandates

Implications and Reflections/ Federal Emergency Planning Mandates

– Write an Implications and Reflections (I&R) regarding the readings and IS courses. This will include a brief statement (two short paragraphs will usually suffice) where you will reflect on that week’s learning and describe how the key concepts will be of value to you in your training/career. This I&R is so I make sure you have read and understood the week’s material.

– Reading Assignments:

Attached Files:

 610-unified-command-Katrina-2012.pdf (259.752 KB)

Sylves chapters 3, 4 (both review chapters)

Perry & Lindell chapter 13Complete IS 230B – IS-230.D: Fundamentals of Emergency Management http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/courseOverview.aspx?code=IS-230.dComplete IS 235C – IS 235.B – Emergency Planninghttp://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/courseOverview.aspx?code=is-235.bPPD 8 Overview – https://www.fema.gov/learn-about-presidential-policy-directive-8 (Remember, you read this a few weeks ago).ICS/NIMS – https://www.fema.gov/national-incident-management-system OPTIONAL BUT VERY INFORMATIVE – See attached article on Unified Command during Katrina


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Federal Emergency Planning Mandates


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