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The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is an example of an interstate agreement between all states and territories of the United States

The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is an example of an interstate agreement between all states and territories of the United States

Chandni Patel

The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is an example of an interstate agreement between all states and territories of the United States. It started as a result of Hurricane Andrew in 1992, Florida needed help from our neighboring states after the hurricane created much damage. Virginia’s Department of Emergency Services developed a state-to-state mutual aid agreement that later became EMAC. In Model 5-7 (Interstate Cooperation) we talked about how states can be rivals and at the same time be allies, EMAC being one of the allied situations. I thought that I would share a time when states can be helpful to one another in times of tragedy and emergency to emphasizes that we should all work together to get us out of our current devastating situation with COVID-19.

Paula Diazgranados Velandia

Discussion of how the event applies to the material.

Police defunding:Local governments have multiple budgets that are called funds. In Orange county the budget is approved by a legislative body of seven-member name Board of County Commissioners, formed by the County Mayor, which is elected countywide, and six County Commissioners each elected from their respective districts. Therefore, what this group of elected people do, will have effects among the same constituents that elected them. So, politics plays a big role on the decisions that the will or will not make.A reference for the current event, either a news article, video, podcast, or journal article from a reputable source.

The current event that illustrate the topic that I selected is derived from the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, who died on May 25 after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into his neck for nearly nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and saying he couldn’t breathe.https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/…A reference to which chapter in the book or module content page that you think applies to the current event.

I think that federalism apply to this event, more specifically, the tendency to go from dual federalism to cooperative federalism, as criminal laws in the United States have a great propensity of overlapping between federal and state jurisdiction.

Discussion of how the event applies to the material.

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The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is an example of an interstate agreement between all states and territories of the United States


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