Effects of abortion on mental health

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effects of abortion on mental health


The term ‘psychology’ is derived from a Latin word which means the study of the soul or mind. Psychology is a science based on the study of human psyche, behavior, and mental health. The field of psychology is a vast arena, with a variety of sub fields like child psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, industrial psychology, etc.
Since psychology offers a plethora of topics, students may have a difficult time in choosing one.  The most important criteria for selecting a research topic are your interests.   Pick a topic from the list below.

List of Topics:

Is Child Obesity a Reflection of Parental Negligence?
America’s Obsession with Fast Food
Link Between Television and Obesity
Narcissistic Mother’s Influence on Child’s Mental Health
Stress and Preterm Delivery
Situations Leading to Cutting Yourself Disorder
Effects of Abortion on Mental Health
Dating Violence Among Teens
Teenage Sexting and its Consequences
Can Stringent Laws Force Morality?
Effects of Designer Babies on Society
Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men
Social Interaction
How Do Individual Differences Affect Stress
Psychological Reasons for Depression
Causes and Symptoms of Stress
How Does Social Anxiety Disorder Affect the Routine Life of a Person?
Does Gender Affect Depression in Individuals?
Human Development – Conception to Old Age
Mental Development of Special Children
Does Gender Affect Memory?
Different Stages of Human Development
Why is it Important to Impart Sexual Education to Young Children?
Relation between Physical Illness and Stress
Short Term and Long Term Memory
How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect the Routine Life of a Person?
Mental Illness and Aging
Role of Environment in Personality Development
Influence of Work Environment and Behavior on the Worker’s Self-esteem and Motivation
Impact of Counseling on Divorced Individuals
The Involvement of Psychologists in Military Interrogations
Violent Music and its Impact on Children
Motivation and its Varied Theories
Causes and Impact of Emotional, Financial, and Physical Abuse of the Elderly
Effects of Birth Order on a Person’s Personality and Achievements
How Does In-store Music Influence Product Selection?
Teenage Suicide: Why it Happens and What to do About it
Effects of Postpartum Depression on the Mother and Child
An Analysis of Harsh and/or Capital Punishment for Sex Offenders
The Role of Genetics and Environment in Determining Intelligence
How Does Over Crowding Affect Human Beings?
Types of Torture and their Psychological Effects
Change of Perception Based on Attractiveness – Are the Attractive Treated Differently?
The Clinical Uses of Hypnosis – Risks Vs. Benefits
The Homeless and their Psychological Problems
Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace Through Sports Psychology
Long-lasting Marriages and the Psychology Behind them
Should School Uniforms be Banned

Phobias and their Effect on Personality
The Rise of Divorces in Society – an Analysis
Solitary Confinement and its Emotional Affects
The Varied Effects of Color on Mental States
Hyperactive Children – The Role of Environment or Biology?
The Psychological Profile of a Terrorist
A Psychological Profile of a Sex Worker
How is Habits Formed and How Can They Be Changed?
Shyness in Adults: Causes and Consequences
















  1. Proquest
  3. ERIC
  4. Medline Plus
  5. Social Sciences
  6. Jstor




In essence, you are reviewing someone else’s research.  The databases listed above will have articles that have met a stringent protocol.  Most of the authors of the articles you will be using have advanced degrees and have declared areas of specialty such as consciousness, schizophrenia, etc.   Papers will be typed and double-spaced and approximately 4-5 pages long using 10 or 12 font size.  A minimum of three articles on the same topic is required to write your paper.  Each article must have at least twenty (20) references.  A reference as it applies here refers to the outside sources that the authors of the journal articles you are reviewing used to write their papers.


A work-cited page is required which is a listing of the articles YOU USED to write your papers and is to be turned in with your papers.   Use the guidelines on the following page to write your papers.  The articles should be dated 1/1/2012 or later.  (I will schedule a day during class time to go over to the library for a presentation by the librarians to help get you started on your written assignments)


The Language Center recognizes that writing and communicating are skills that must be sharpened, particularly in the current global environment. To aid in achieving this end, the Language Center helps students in all disciplines become more effective and more confident scholars. The Language Center works in conjunction with your professor and librarians to provide you with support and assistance in a friendly, relaxed environment in an effort to help prepare you not only for success in academic pursuits but also for success in both local and global communities.  The Language Center is in Ramer 157, and the hours for this semester are Mondays and Thursdays 9:00-5:00, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9:00-7:00, and Fridays 9:00-3:00.  Check the library website for operating hours as they may vary.














Assessing the work of others will help develop your skills as a critical thinker and consequently enhance your problem solving skills.



  1. READ each article carefully
  2. Use the guidelines below to help you evaluate each article


    1. Look at the abstract and/or the introduction for this information. What is the author(s) intent?  How does the author(s) describe or DEFINE the issue or the purpose of the research?  What is the hypothesis/theory?


    1. Look to the methods section in each article for this information. What was the research design and how was it carried out?  Give details of the DESIGN and what researchers had to DO to make this research happen?
    2. Which research method was used? Was it descriptive?  If so, what kind of descriptive method?  Was the sample representative?  Were the samples random? Were there controls for observer bias?   If it is a Correlational method, what were the variables?  If there was a correlation, was it positive or negative?   Could this information be used to predict?  Why or why not?  If the researchers used an experimental design, what were the independent and dependent variables?  Who was in the experimental group and who was in the control group?  Was there random assignment, random sampling and were there controls in place for selection and experimenter bias?


    1. Look at the results and discussion section of each article for this information. EVALUATE the findings.  What was the result of the research?  What are the findings/conclusions?  Were the authors able to answer the hypothesis raised?  Can this research be replicated?  Does this research contribute to human knowledge?  What were the funding sources?  Any potential for bias there?  What are the credentials of the researchers?  Be sure to evaluate strengths as well as weaknesses.











NAME: ________________________________________



TIME OF CLASS: __________________






  1. APPROPRIATE TOPIC:    ____________    5 POINTS




  1. THREE OR MORE ARTICLES:   __________________________ 15 POINTS




  1. FROM ACCEPTABLE DATABASES:    ______________10 POINTS




  1. WITH CURRENT DATES: (2012 OR LATER):  ____________5 POINTS




  1. WORK-CITED PAGE: _______________________15 POINTS

(Includes the articles you used to write your paper)

Work-cited page is required in APA OR MLA format!





  1. WRITTEN PAPER:  ___________________________50 POINTS









POINTS EARNED:  __________________________


Top of Form

Bottom of Form



………………………Answer preview…………………





Effects of abortion on mental health


            The area of mental health problems induced by abortion is an area of immense political controversy. This is because major medical bodies such as the American Psychological Association discovered that severe negative reactions among individuals who have experienced abortions are rare and are usually in line with the other members of the society leading normal lives. However, it is apparent that a woman’s emotional attachments to the fetus, pre-existing psychological problems, lack of social support and people’s conservative views on abortion increase the likelihood of an individual experiencing negative…..


1219 words





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