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Certain behaviors will make you a more effective member of a team or group during meeting.

Certain behaviors will make you a more effective member of a team or group during meeting.

Effective meeting plans and behaviors

After reading the attached memo, please rewrite it to reflect the three Cs: Clear, Concise, and Concrete

Certain behaviors will make you a more effective member of a team or group during meeting. Example include:

Responding to the meeting invite

Showing up on time

Not interrupting other members when they are speaking

Being polite

Being prepared

Based on meetings you have ever attended in the past, create a list of an additional 5 -10 behaviors, and then create a “Rule of Engagement” for meetings

Assignment 3- Unclear Memo

Answer preview to certain behaviors will make you a more effective member of a team or group during meeting.

Certain behaviors will make you a more effective member of a team or group during meeting.APA

300 Words

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